A Santa Ceia - LEGO

Não que eu seja um simpatizante do livro, mas o site The Brick Testament tem uma versão da Bíblia com cenas em LEGO.

Sim, LEGO, aquele joguinho de encaixar as peças que a maioria de nós brincava quando criança (e alguns também quando adultos).

As cenas estão divididas em Velho e Novo Testamento e também por "episódio bíblico", ou seja lá como se chama, formalmente. É em inglês, mas as imagens falam por si só, até mesmo pra quem não está muito familiarizado com a história.

Leitores mais religiosos precisam de uma dose de bom humor, mas vale a pena.


The world's largest, most comprehensive illustrated Bible.

Garden of Eden, Cain and Abel, The Flood, Sodom & Gomorrah...
37 stories with 568 illustrations
Burning Bush, Plague of Frogs, Ten Commandments, The Golden Calf...
31 stories with 431 illustrations
The Fire of Yahweh, Moses and Aaron Doomed, God Sends Snakes...
25 stories with 271 illustrations
The Law
Settling Disputes, Sexual Discharges, Homosexuality, Prisoners of War...
33 stories with 227 illustrations
Crossing of the Jordan, Massacre of Jericho, Twenty-Two Kingdons Massacred...
14 stories with 185 illustrations
Jerusalem Massacred, 120,000 Midianites Killed, Samson and Delilah...
39 stories with 435 illustrations
King Saul
Philistines Capture the Ark, Saul Becomes King, David Decapitates Goliath...
26 stories with 288 illustrations
David vs Saul
Saul Tries to Kill David, Jonathan and David, David Joins the Philistines...
33 stories with 318 illustrations
King David
God Kills 70,000, Adultery & Murder, David Flees Jerusalem...
34 stories with 345 illustrations
King Solomon
Solomon Becomes King, Solomon Gets Wise, The Temple of Yahweh...
21 stories with 166 illustrations

The Life of Jesus
Jesus is Born, Jesus Walks on Water,
The Last Supper, The Crucifixion...
31 stories with 397 illustrations
The Teachings of Jesus
On Love, On Forgiveness, On Wealth, On Lust, On Divorce...
18 stories with 103 illustrations
The Parables of Jesus
Parable of the Harsh Master, Parable
of the Tortured Debtor...
5 stories with 74 illustrations
Acts of the Apostles
The Other Fate of Judas, Instant Fluency, Stephen Gets Stoned...
19 stories with 157 illustrations
The Epistles
Intructions on Marriage, Instructions for Slaves, Instructions for Women...
3 stories with 28 illustrations

371 stories with 3,993 illustrations. More to come...

The Bible contains material some may consider morally objectionable and/or inappropriate for children. These labels identify stories containing:

= nudity  = sexual content  = violence   = cursing